The Camera Obscura and Projector

Eli Whitney Museum

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Thumbnail of The Camera Obscura and Projector project

Vacation Program

  • Tuesday, April 19, 2016
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Designed for ages 6 to 12

The Camera (room) obscura (darkened) is an ancient tool of scientists and artists. It will help you understand, light and vision and lenses with awesome simplicity.

Constuct a delux Camera Obscura Laboratory. Construct a box on an adjustable stand. Capture images through a lend; capture images through a lens. Draw with your camera (as Renaissance artists drew) to understand the geometry of perspective. The reverse its work. Darken a larger room. Focus lights on an image in the box. Project the image. Then invent ways to make images move.

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