As of December 1, 2017, we have a New Registration System (yes, long awaited.) You will no longer have access to your old login ID or Password.
If you were already in the system, please use the temporary password that was sent to you on or around the 17th of December. If you are new to the system, you will need to CREATE AN ACCOUNT and a new password.With this new system, you will be able to access your profile to make any changes, view and pay balances, view payment and program history and more. The registration forms for Children's and Adult classes and workshops will be somewhat different but the Account Holder information is the same.
We feel confident that our new Registration Site will work smoothly for you but, as with all new systems, there may be some bumps. Please contact us if you experience any problems or have any questions. (203.777.1833)
We DO NOT need medical forms for Vacation Programs.
Fee per day: $65 ($60 for members)
Before and after care (7:30 am – 5:30 pm) is available at $10 per hour.