Our Site: History & Architecture

Eli Whitney Museum

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for ages 9-12

Thumbnail of Our Site: History & Architecture project

2023 Summer Program

The legacy of the Museum begins in 1798 When Eli Whitney first chose a site on the Mill River to build his Armory. Chosen for its access to a strong current of water, Whitney intended to use this as a power source for the machines he would use to produce the parts of his contract musket. Whitney, however, was not the first to see the potential of this site as a grist mill had been located on the grounds previously. Over time the site has taken on new residencies and has physically changed as well.

Join us as we explore the site’s features - both seen and unseen - as we construct a mill, learn the engineering of the Ithiel Town bridge, examine the plans of worker’s boarding houses, and even raise a barn as we learn that the history of this site will help to shape its future.

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