Solar System Model - the Orrery

Eli Whitney Museum

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Thumbnail of Solar System Model - the Orrery project

Models organize big ideas for scientists and students; they identify and test questions and are ideal tools for thinking. The Earth/Moon Rotation orrery shows our planetary movement around the sun and demonstrates lunar orbit and moon phases when illuminated with an accompanying light.

The Parts.

Step 1. Put the seasonal labels on the corners in order: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. Put the two small pegs into the holes in the base. Then find the parts shown and carefully put them together as pictured.

Step 2. Put the dowel with the Sun ball into the rounded end of the arm and tightly into the hole in the slotted wheel that you put onto the base in Step 1.

Step 3. At the other end of the arm, put a large wheel on the peg sticking out the end of the arm (put the o ring on the outside to hold it on) and put the smaller wheel with the dowel in it up through the hole next to the large wheel.

Step 4. Loop the rubberband around the slotted wheels on the bottom as shown. Note there is a twist in the rubber band

Step 5. Put the last large wheel on the dowel so it rests on the other large wheel. Carefully place the earth/moon assembly on the top of the dowel and make it secure. Move the Orrery arm counterclockwise to rotate the moon around the earth.

Step 5a Detail.

Step 5b Detail.

Orrery 2019

Orr 2020 parts

Orr Step 1

Orrery 2020 Step 2

Orrery 2020 Step 3

Orrery 2020 Step 4 copy

Orrery 2020 Step 5

Orrery 2020 Step 6

Orrery 2020 Step 7

Orrery 2020 Step 8

Download Orrery Instructions-2.pdf (pdf, 560.0kb)
Download Orrery QandA.pdf (pdf, 76.8kb)

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